
PrincipleNutrition offers a full range of functional health and beauty products that are made from top grade ingredients of natural, herbal and organic extracts. our top grade products originated from USA and are being manufactured under strict US FDA GMP Standards. After over 20 years of operation in Las Vegas-USA, PrincipleNutrition has grown into a strong US domestic brand with offers over 500 standard products and sold to more than 30,000 retail outlets domestically.

For EXPORT and INTERNATIONAL MARKET, we understand international clients too; documents such as Authorization Letters, Certificate of Analysis, Free Sale Certificate, Embassy Legalization, Stability Test, GMP certification, Production Process, Flow Chart and more!

We are now seeking for International Distributors Worldwide. If you have strong interest in becoming a wholesaler or distributor, please email: [email protected] or fill up the form below.

Interested in Distributing PNKids?

If you are interested in distributing PNKids, please fill out the form below and a representative will respond to your enquiry.

Company Name (required)

Year Established

Address (required)

Phone (required)


E-mail (required)


Do you have Branch Offices? If yes, please advise locations

What is your Company's Total Annual Sales Turnover in US$?

Total number of employees

Number of persons in Sales, please provide breakdown in Channel / Province &/ Region

Which distribution channel is your Company focused? Wholesale, hospitals, pharmacies, general/lower trade, modern trade, government, private clinics and doctors?

How many outlets is your Company currently servicing?

List of your main principals/brands/products (exclusive & non-exclusive)?

Which brands/products are "Champion/Best Sellers" for your Company for the last 3 years?

Does your company represent any lines that are in direct competition to the CRIMSONS PHARMA line?

Does your company participate in Trade Shows? If yes, how many times a year?

Do you advertise? If yes, please advise names and how frequent?

Describe your plan for introducing and marketing CRIMSONS PHARMA product line

Can you give us an estimate/forecast for CRIMSONS PHARMA product line in your market?

Describe your service facility, if any

Do you normally hold inventory stock?

Give us a description of your company's sales approach to a new product line

Please provide any other information you deem necessary to influence our decision